General terms and conditions of sale
General terms and conditions of sale
Access to the e-commerce area of the website implies unreserved acceptance of the following provisions:
The Internet site (hereinafter "the Site") is an e-commerce space that offers a service for ordering products remotely and then preparing products delivered by points of sale known as Crèmerie Végétale Jay&Joy (hereinafter "the Service"), or picked up in store by the Customer under the conditions defined below.
These general terms and conditions of sale are concluded on the one hand by the company Jay&Joy author of the offer (hereinafter referred to as "Jay&Joy") and on the other hand, by any natural person of full age who is not a trader and who is located in one of the delivery areas served by the Service (see articles 7 and 8 below) and who wishes to make a purchase on the Site for an amount (hereinafter referred to as "the Customer") with no minimum purchase.
They are intended to define the contractual relations between Jay&Joy and the Customer, as well as the general and special conditions applicable to any purchase of goods (order) and services (order preparation, delivery, etc.) made on the Site. Any order placed by the Client within this framework is made by him for his personal and non-professional needs.
The contract resulting from the Customer's actual order is subject to the regulations governing distance selling, as set out in the legislative and regulatory provisions in force in France, as well as the provisions set out below.
By placing an order on the Site, the Customer certifies that he/she is an adult non-commercial natural person acting for his/her personal needs and accepts the General Terms and Conditions of Sale of the site He certifies that he has the capacity to contract, and acknowledges having previously read and accepted without restriction the terms and conditions of sale applicable to his purchase (order and delivery) at the time of placing the order and which include, in order of priority :
- The General Terms and Conditions of Sale
These general terms and conditions of sale shall prevail over any other general or special conditions not expressly accepted by Jay&Joy.
- The Special Conditions of Sale
The special conditions of sale are those stated on the screen (price, terms and conditions appearing in particular in the product sheets, order form, ...). The said conditions will be transmitted to him in the order confirmation email.
Jay&Joy reserves the possibility of modifying its conditions of sale at any time without prior information of the Customer.
The conditions applicable and opposable to the Customer will be those in force at the time of the effective validation by the Customer of his order recorded by the Site. The said conditions will be sent to him in the order confirmation email. The Customer is invited to carefully read the general and special terms and conditions of sale in force prior to any order.
The present general terms and conditions complete the "Cookies" section applicable to the Customer.
a) Product sheets
Each product offered on the Site is the subject of a sheet accessible by clicking on the designation or photograph of the product concerned. This sheet, drawn up from information provided by our production team, the manufacturer or supplier of the product, presents the essential characteristics of the product selected in accordance with Article L.111-1 of the French Consumer Code. These indications are intended, without being exhaustive, to inform the Customer as fully as possible about the essential characteristics of the products. Mainly based on the information appearing on the packaging, which may be modified by the manufacturer or supplier at any time, sometimes without prior notice, these indications may be subject to minimal variations and therefore cannot replace the information appearing on the product packaging, which is the only authentic information and to which the Customer is invited to refer, particularly in the event of food intolerance.
Promotional formats ("plus x% free" Products)
In particular, Jay&Joy reserves the right to deliver, depending on its stock in store, instead of the product ordered, the corresponding promotional product offering an additional quantity of product for the same price.
Products with variable weight (indicated by the mention "article sold by weight" on the product sheet). The weight indicated on the product sheet may vary by plus or minus 20% depending on the supply available in store at the time the order is prepared. The price invoiced corresponds to the actual weight of the product delivered; however, the request for authorisation sent to the payment centre before validation of the order takes into account the maximum weight of the product likely to be delivered. In addition, the price per Kilogram invoiced will correspond to the price per Kilogram shown on the packaging of the product delivered at the time of preparation of the order is more interesting for the customer than the price per Kilogram shown on the Site at the time of the order.
b) Photographs and illustrations
The Customer is informed, subject to his rights, of the possibility of a difference in presentation on delivery resulting from a change in packaging (photographs and illustrations) by the manufacturer or supplier, this difference not affecting in any way the content and characteristics of the product.
c) Promotional benefits
The Customer is informed that the Service does not allow the taking into account of promotional advantages such as, in particular, discount vouchers of any kind to be used on the purchase of a product or for a minimum purchase amount, with the exception of those expressly formulated for the Site and materialized for example by the attribution of a promotional code.
d) Availability
The offers of products presented on the Site are valid while stocks last. It is also possible that one or more of the products on the Jay&Joy Site ordered may not be available when the order is prepared. In this case, the amount of the order that the Customer will have validated and correlatively the price which will be effectively invoiced to him will be recalculated by taking into account the missing items. In case of total unavailability of his order, the Customer will be informed by e-mail. His order will be cancelled and his payment will not be debited.
i) Substitution
In the event of unavailability of product(s) in the "CART" during the preparation of the order, Jay&Joy proposes to the Customer to replace certain missing products, subject to availability, with a product of equivalent quality and price that meets his needs.
The Customer will be informed, in the e-mail notifying him/her of the departure of his/her delivery, of the substitute products (characteristics, price) which will be proposed to him/her at the time of delivery and which he/she will then accept or not. In any event, any product not conforming to the order may be refused upon delivery and the price invoiced will correspond to the products actually delivered. The return of the substituted products is made at the expense of Jay&Joy, on proof and within the double limit of their effective amount and of 1.5 times the amount of the delivery costs corresponding to the product as defined in the paragraph above and invoiced by Jay&Joy.
a) Accès au service - Compte Client
L'acquisition des produits et services proposés sur le Site suppose la disposition par le Client d'un ordinateur et d'un accès à Internet, les éventuels frais de connexion et d'utilisation du Site demeurant à sa charge exclusive.
Le Client accepte l'utilisation du Service fourni par Jay&Joy en l'état.
Le Client qui souhaite utiliser le Service s'engage expressément à ne pas utiliser de fausses informations ou des informations de tiers. Pour accéder au Service sur Internet, le Client doit préalablement ou après avoir constitué son panier, procéder à la création de son Compte Client personnel en cliquant sur « Mon compte » afin de renseigner le formulaire d'inscription.
A cet effet, il doit obligatoirement :
• Procéder à son inscription en remplissant le formulaire d'inscription, où il fera figurer, selon les indications qui lui seront demandées en ligne et dans les champs prévus à cet effet, les informations obligatoires pour la prise en compte de son inscription, à savoir ses civilité, prénom, nom, adresse email valide, mot de passe et date de naissance. Il pourra saisir de façon facultative son numéro de compte fidélité présent sur son ticket de caisse.
•Valider son inscription en cliquant sur « Créer un compte ». Le formulaire d'inscription est accessible sur une page sécurisée. Afin de s'assurer de la bonne saisie de ces renseignements, un courrier électronique est automatiquement adressé au Client pour lui notifier la prise en compte de son inscription. S'il ne le reçoit pas, le Client est invité à vérifier l'adresse qu'il a saisi ou à vérifier sa boite email (celle-ci peut être pleine...)
A l'occasion de ses visites ou commandes ultérieures sur le Site, le Client pourra accéder à son compte en saisissant son adresse e-mail et son mot de passe tels qu'enregistrés lors de son inscription. Si le Client oublie son mot de passe, il peut cliquer sur " Mot de passe oublié ?". Après avoir renseigné son adresse mail, le Client recevra directement par courrier électronique un lien pour réinitialiser son mot de passe. Une fois inscrit, le Client pourra à tout moment accéder aux fonctionnalités offertes par son Compte Client lui permettant de consulter :
•Ses informations personnelles
• Sa commande en cours : A compter de la validation de sa commande, et jusqu'à la livraison ou le retrait en magasin, le Client pourra consulter la liste de ses achats et suivre sa commande. La commande peut avoir plusieurs statuts : Validée, En traitement, Expédiée, Terminée.
•Son historique de commandes
•Ses listes de courses
•Son numéro de compte fidélité, s’il l’a renseigné lors de son inscription
Le Client est informé qu'à défaut de paiement des sommes dues au titre d'une quelconque commande, Jay&Joy peut suspendre de plein droit et immédiatement la validité de ses identifiants (adresse e-mail et mot de passe) et l'accès à son compte client.
b) Processus de commande
Pour passer commande, le Client doit obligatoirement :
•Saisir, dès la mise au panier du premier produit le code postal et, selon sa localisation et la disponibilité du service, choisir le cas échéant d’utiliser le Click & Collect ou non.
•Suivre le processus de commande qui se déroule en 3 étapes :
Etape 1 : Votre panier
•Une fois tous les produits sélectionnés, le Client finalise le contenu de son panier, le cas échéant modifie les quantités, rajoute ou supprime des produits,
•Le client peut renseigner un ou plusieurs codes promo s'il en dispose et identifier les remises auxquels il a droit,
•Valider son panier après l'avoir vérifié en cliquant sur le bouton « Commander » ; un récapitulatif de l'ensemble des éléments liés à la commande s'affiche alors. Tous les prix mentionnés dans ce récapitulatif incluent la TVA.
Etape 2 : Votre livraison
•Si vous optez pour le Click & Collect, indiquer la date et le créneau horaire de retrait pour le magasin sélectionné (selon disponibilités),
•Si vous optez pour la livraison à domicile, merci d’indiquer la date,
•Valider sa livraison après avoir " vérifié ses « infos livraisons » (digicode, étage, mode de livraison...) en cliquant sur le bouton « Suivant ».
Etape 3 : Mon paiement
•Le Client doit choisir son mode de paiement parmi ceux proposés. Si le Client décide de payer par carte bancaire, il doit sélectionner sa carte bancaire afin d'être dirigé vers un accès sécurisé et saisir ses données bancaires dans les conditions prévues.
•Le Client accepte les conditions générales de vente en cliquant sur le bouton « Je reconnais avoir pris connaissance des conditions générales de vente et les accepte »
Le Client valide son paiement après l'avoir vérifié en cliquant sur le bouton « Valider ma commande » - « Commande avec obligation de paiement ». A partir du moment où le Client a confirmé sa commande en cliquant sur ce bouton, il est considéré comme ayant accepté en connaissance de cause le contenu et les conditions de la commande en question et en particulier les présentes conditions générales de vente, le fait que sa commande implique une obligation de paiement de sa part, les prix, les volumes, caractéristiques, quantités et délais de livraison des produits commandés par le Client.
Au moment du paiement de la commande, une demande d'autorisation est déclenchée auprès du centre de paiement concerné. Toute commande ne peut être prise en compte que lorsque les centres de paiement concernés ont donné leur accord. En cas de refus desdits centres, la commande n'est pas acceptée et le Client est averti par un message à l'écran. A l'issue de ces 3 étapes : la commande est confirmée.
Une fois que le Client a validé son paiement, une page confirme au Client l'enregistrement de sa commande.
Le client reçoit ensuite un mail lui indiquant :
•le numéro de la commande
•le récapitulatif de la commande (la date, nombre articles commandés avec le montant TTC correspondant, le coût de la livraison, les délais et mode de livraison, le montant total de la commande), qui ne vaut que sous réserve de modification ou de disponibilité dans les conditions prévues aux présentes
•les Conditions Générales de Vente. Jay&Joy recommande au Client de conserver le courrier électronique sur un support papier ou informatique.
Jay&Joy se réserve la possibilité de ne pas accepter une commande, pour un motif légitime, tenant par exemple, à un problème prévisible concernant la livraison à effectuer ou l'anormalité de la commande. Pourront éventuellement être refusées, toutes nouvelles commandes d'un client avec lequel existerait un arriéré de paiement ou un litige lié à des difficultés répétées dans la livraison ou la mise à disposition de commandes antérieures, ou encore en cas de fraude ou de tentative de fraude relative à l’utilisation du Site, y compris à l’occasion de commandes antérieures.
Dans l'hypothèse où une commande ne serait pas acceptée, Jay&Joy en informe le client par tout moyen.
c) Suivi de commande
Dès réception du courrier électronique envoyé par Jay&Joy, le Client a la possibilité de suivre l'état de préparation et de livraison ou de mise en retrait de sa commande sur la page d'accueil de son compte en cliquant sur « Mon compte » ou en cliquant sur le lien « Mes commandes » depuis son compte client.
d) Limitations de commandes
Pour des raisons de gestion des stocks, Jay&Joy pourra limiter la commande par le Client d'un même produit à une certaine quantité.
a) Prices
The prices of the products are prices in euros including VAT applicable on the day of the order. They do not include preparation and delivery costs which are due. Any change in the VAT rate may be passed on to the price of products and services. The price of the products is the one appearing on the Site on the date of the order. Delivery costs, which are added to the total amount of the order, are indicated on the order summary. The amount of the order that the Customer will have validated by proceeding to his payment is the final price - all taxes included and including the amount of the delivery charges - and maximum which could be debited to him. This price may nevertheless vary in case of unavailability of one or more products ordered.
Jay&Joy reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, without notice, it being understood that the price indicated on the Site on the day of the order will be the only one applicable to the Customer.
b) Payment - means of payment
Payment can be made :
- by credit card: the credit cards accepted by Jay&Joy are the following: Carte Bleue, Visa, Master Card. These payment cards must be issued by a banking or financial institution located in the European Union or Monaco.
The Customer guarantees Jay&Joy that he has the necessary authorisations to use the method of payment that he has chosen for his order, when registering his order. The payment must be made at the time of the order.
Any transmission of information related to the payment takes place in a secure context. In particular, when paying by credit card, the transmission of a credit card number and its validity date, as well as its visual cryptogram (CVV) appearing on the back of the credit card used by the Customer, is made in a secure context using the protocols in force on the Internet, on the server of Jay&Joy's service provider: Payplug. The communication by the Customer of his credit card number is an authorization to debit his account up to the amount of the order.
The collection will only be made at the end of the order preparation, for the exact amount of the products actually delivered to the Customer. The Customer will then be informed by e-mail of the actual details of the order being delivered. Jay&Joy recommends to the Customer to keep the electronic mail on a paper or computer medium. Any order is only considered effective when the payment centres concerned have given their agreement. When the order is debited, in the event of irregular, incomplete or non-existent payment, for any reason whatsoever, or in the event of fraud or attempted fraud relating to the use of the Site, including on the occasion of previous orders, Jay&Joy reserves the right to block the delivery of the products ordered. The Customer will be informed by telephone or e-mail.
The products ordered remain the property of Jay&Joy until full payment of their price by the Customer.
a) Zone de livraison
La livraison des produits est assurée en France Métropolitaine, au choix du Client:
• à son domicile ou tout autre lieu désigné par communiqué directement au transporteur.
b) Délais de livraison
Livraison par transporteur : Les livraisons s'effectuent à domicile du lundi au samedi dans les tranches horaires préalablement convenues, et dans la limite de 15 jours ouvrables à compter de la confirmation de la commande du Client par Jay&Joy. Le lieu et la date de livraison de la marchandise sont choisis par le Client, et confirmés par courrier électronique.
La livraison sera effectuée à Paris et petite couronne par nos partenaires en vélo. Pour le reste de la France la livraison sera effectué par Chronopost Fresh.
Retraits à la Crèmerie Végétale de Jay&Joy : ils peuvent s’effectuer dans les tranches horaires préalablement convenues lors de la confirmation de la commande
c) Tarifs
Les frais de livraison sont à la charge du Client. Il s’agit de 20€ HT pour toute livraison en France Métropolitaine.
Le montant des frais de livraison est indiqué sur le récapitulatif de la commande.
d) Réception des marchandises
La date de livraison correspond à la date et à l'heure de remise ou de première présentation effective à l'adresse de livraison indiquée par le Client dans le formulaire de commande.
Le transfert des risques intervient à la livraison, au moment de la remise des produits à l'adresse de livraison fournie par le Client.
Une pièce d'identité ou tout autre justificatif nécessaire (y compris carte de paiement utilisée pour la commande) pourra être exigé lors de la livraison ou du retrait du colis. En cas de refus de présentation ou de documents ne correspondant pas aux informations communiquées lors de la commande, Jay&Joy se réserve le droit d'annuler la vente.
Au moment de la livraison, le Client ou tout tiers auquel il aura donné pouvoir pour recevoir la marchandise formalisera son acceptation en signant le récépissé de livraison qui lui sera présenté et sur lequel pourra être portée toute remarque paraissant nécessaire. La signature par le Client ou toute personne mandatée par lui à cet effet dudit bon de livraison confirme la bonne réception de la commande, de son contenu et du nombre de colis associés indiqué sur le bon de livraison ainsi que le bon état des colis.
Pour les livraisons par transporteur: Le Client s'engage à prendre en charge les marchandises aux jours, date et heure choisis en fonction des créneaux horaires proposés par le transporteur. Lorsque la remise de la marchandise au Client n'est pas ou n'a pas pu être possible de son fait (notamment absence, informations de livraisons erronées ou inefficaces, etc.), le Client est contacté par téléphone afin de convenir d'un nouvel horaire de livraison dans les 24h suivant le créneau horaire initialement prévu. Sauf cas de force majeure, les frais de cette nouvelle livraison, équivalents à la première livraison, sont à la charge du Client. Si cette replanification n'est pas possible ou n'est pas souhaitée par le Client, le montant de la commande (frais de livraison compris) ne sera pas remboursé. La livraison a lieu uniquement sur le palier du client ; elle ne peut être réalisée, même à la demande du Client, dans une cave, devant ou dans un hall d'immeuble. En cas d'impossibilité de livraison par le transporteur dans les horaires prévus, le Client en est informé le plus rapidement possible par téléphone ; en cas de dépassement du délai de livraison, le Client pourra convenir d'un nouvel horaire de livraison dans les 24h suivant le créneau horaire initialement prévu. En tout état de cause, la replanification s'effectue sans coût supplémentaire à la charge du Client.
Pour les retraites en magasin : A défaut de retrait en magasin dit la Crèmerie Végétale de Jay&Joy, la commande pourra être annulée par Jay&Joy, qui procèdera au remboursement du prix des produits commandés dans un délai de 30 jours à compter de l'expiration du délai de mise à disposition précité.
e) Dommages
Le Client est invité à vérifier l’état apparent du colis et des produits à la livraison. En cas de dommage ou de perte liée au transport de marchandises, il appartient au Client de formuler toutes observations ou réserves sur le bon de livraison qu'il signe et dont un double lui est remis, voire de refuser le(s) produit(s) concerné(s) en précisant le motif sur le bon de livraison. Dans l'hypothèse où le Client a signé son bon de livraison sans réserves et qu'il constate néanmoins, après ouverture des colis, des produits abîmés ou manquants, alors le Client doit immédiatement et au plus tard dans les 72 heures suivant leur réception en aviser par mail ou via la rubrique « Contact » du Site. A cette occasion, le Service Client pourra lui demander toute information relative à l’identité du Client ou tiers désigné par lui pour réceptionner la marchandise et procéder à toute vérification utile à cette occasion. Pour que sa réclamation soit valable vis-à-vis du transporteur, il doit en aviser sous 48 heures suivant leur réception le Service Client, par mail ou via la rubrique "Contact" du Site.
(a) Withdrawal arrangements
The Customer can reserve his withdrawal slot and after validating his basket. The Customer will be informed by e-mail of the confirmation of the availability of his order in the store. For collection in the store, it is sufficient to go to the reception desk of the collection store with his order number and a piece of identification.
In case of refusal of presentation or documents that do not correspond to the information communicated at the time of the order, Jay&Joy reserves the right to cancel the sale. The Customer must present himself on the chosen day and in the chosen time slot. When the delivery of the goods to the Customer is not or could not be possible due to his or her fault, the Customer will be contacted by telephone to agree on a new delivery time within 24 hours of the initially scheduled time slot.
The Customer may also give power of attorney to any third party to recover the goods. The third party must then present the order number, the name of the person who placed the order and his or her own identity card at the reception desk of the collection shop.
(b) Receipt of goods
At the time of withdrawal, the Customer or any third party to whom he has given power of attorney to recover the goods undertakes to check the condition and conformity of the products handed over in relation to his order, and will formalise his acceptance by signing the withdrawal receipt which will be presented to him and on which any comments that appear necessary may be made.
The signature by the Customer or any person appointed by him for this purpose of the said withdrawal slip confirms the proper receipt of the order, its contents and the number of associated packages indicated on the withdrawal slip as well as the good condition of the packages.
In accordance with the provisions of articles L.221-18 et seq. of the French Consumer Code, the Customer has a withdrawal period of fourteen (14) days from receipt or withdrawal of the product to exercise his legal right of withdrawal and thus notify Jay&Joy of his intention to return the said product to him.
If the products may be subject to the legal right of retraction (see paragraph: a) Products excluded from the legal retraction period of the present General Terms and Conditions of Sale), the Customer exercising his right of retraction under the conditions provided for in this article in terms of time limit and methods of returning the products, may obtain a refund for the products returned as well as the delivery costs of the Order corresponding to the proportion of the value of the product returned in relation to the amount of the order and excluding any additional costs). Reimbursement shall be made by the same means of payment as that used by the Customer for the initial transaction, unless specifically indicated by the Customer. Reimbursement will be made as soon as possible and at the latest within 14 days following the effective exercise of the right of withdrawal by the Customer. This period may however be extended by Jay&Joy until Jay&Joy has received the goods returned by the Customer in the store or at the address indicated on the return slip, or until Jay&Joy has received proof of dispatch of the goods by the Customer. When the fourteen (14) day period expires on a Saturday, Sunday or a holiday or public holiday, it is extended to the first following business day. In accordance with article L.221-23 of the Consumer Code, the costs of returning the products will remain the responsibility of the Customer except in the event of a lack of conformity of the products delivered in relation to the order (in this case, the return costs will be borne by Jay&Joy.
a) Products excluded from the legal withdrawal period
In accordance with article L. 221-28 of the Consumer Code, the Customer does not benefit, for the order of products which, because of their nature, cannot be reshipped or are likely to deteriorate or expire quickly, from a right of retraction to return his order. The following in particular are concerned:
- fresh or frozen products.
Any complaint must be formulated beforehand by email via the "Contact" section of the Site or by email.
If necessary, reimbursement will be made within 30 days of receipt of the product by Jay&Joy by bank transfer to the credit card used for payment. These provisions are not exclusive of the aforementioned right of withdrawal.
Jay&Joy will be released from the planned delivery in the event of an event constituting force majeure (in particular in the event of fire, explosion, network failure, flood, snow, ice, accident, vehicle breakdown, etc.) and therefore beyond its control. The information stated by the Customer, when taking an order, is binding on the Customer. By accessing the Service offered by Jay&Joy, the Customer undertakes not to save or transmit files that contain viruses or any other contaminating or destructive function, not to use false information or information from third parties, not to infringe the rights of third parties, and more generally not to make any use of the Site that could give rise to any civil or criminal proceedings under the laws in force.
The Customer guarantees Jay&Joy against any prosecution it may be subject to in this respect. Jay&Joy cannot be held responsible in any way:
-in the event of false information or an error in entering the Customer's details - in the event of misuse of the Customer's identifiers or the way in which the Customer places an order
-in the event of an obvious error in the display of a derisory price.
Jay&Joy, in all stages of the online sales process, is only bound by an obligation of means; it cannot be held responsible for technical or material errors, or for any direct or indirect damage such as, in particular, loss of data, intrusion, virus, breakdown of service, other involuntary problems or cases of force majeure resulting from the use of the Internet network or the Site.
Jay&Joy declines all responsibility:
-for any interruption of the Site;
-for the occurrence of bugs;
-for any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party leading to a modification of the information made available on the Site;
-and more generally for any damage, direct or indirect, whatever the causes, origins, nature or consequences, caused by the access of anyone to the Site or the impossibility of accessing it, as well as the use of the Site and/or the credit given to any information coming directly or indirectly from it.
In particular, Jay&Joy assumes no responsibility for any damage that may be caused to the Internet user's computer equipment following access to this Site, use or downloading of any of its elements (data, text, images, videos or sounds... etc...). In addition, for maintenance reasons, Jay&Joy may interrupt its service and will endeavour to inform the Customers in advance. The Client of the Site acknowledges having checked that the computer configuration used does not contain any virus and that it is in perfect working order.
Finally, Jay&Joy shall not be held responsible for the delay, loss or poor distribution of an e-mail, nor for whether or not it is sent to an erroneous e-mail address. The Client of the Site acknowledges that Jay&Joy has fulfilled all of its obligations to provide advice and information concerning the essential characteristics and operating methods of the Site.
The Site may include links to other websites or other sources on the Internet. Insofar as Jay&Joy cannot control these external sites and sources, Jay&Joy cannot be held responsible for the availability of these external sites and sources, and cannot accept any responsibility for the content, advertising, products, services or any other material available on or from these external sites or sources.
In addition, Jay&Joy cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss, proven or alleged, consecutive or in relation to access, use or having trusted the content, goods or services available on these external sites or sources. Jay&Joy cannot be held responsible for the direct or indirect consequences of an order cancellation or a delay in delivery which is not attributable to it, in particular in the event of disruption of postal services or transport, and in general for any event beyond its control or force majeure. In any case, the responsibility of Jay&Joy is limited to the reimbursement of the sums paid for the acquisition of the goods and the related delivery costs, and without prejudice to its rights and recourses.
The formation of the contract is conventionally fixed at the time of the confirmation of the acceptance of the Customer's order by Jay&Joy (Status: Confirmed), subject to its effective payment, which does not take place at the end of order preparation. All the data provided and the confirmation recorded by the Customer in the automatic recording systems of Jay&Joy are presumed to be proof of the transaction (content of the order, date) and of the acceptance to have the delivery of the order definitively and immediately entrusted to Jay&Joy.
The conclusion of the contract of sale only takes place subject to the effective payment by the Customer at the time of the departure of the delivery. Jay&Joy reserves the right to cancel the order for any legitimate reason, in particular in the case of :
-Error in the seizure of the obligatory data
-Payment failure whether or not resulting from a refusal of authorisation by the payment centre,
-more broadly, of fraud or violation of the general terms and conditions of sale.
The Customer undertakes not to communicate his login and/or password to anyone.
All elements (texts, logos, images, graphic or sound elements, software, icons, layout, database,...) contained in the Site and in the associated sites are protected by national and international intellectual property law. These elements remain the exclusive property of Jay&Joy and/or its partners, holders of the related intellectual property rights.
In this respect, except with the prior written authorisation of the company Jay&Joy and/or its partners, the Client may not proceed with any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation and/or partial or complete transformation, or transfer to another web site of any element composing the Site.
Failure to comply with this prohibition may constitute an act of counterfeiting engaging the civil and criminal liability of its author. Finally, Jay&Joy reminds you that any creation of a hypertext link to the home page of this Site or any other page of the Site is subject to the express, prior and written agreement of Jay&Joy.
We collect the information that you entrust to us within the framework of our commercial relationship in particular:
-When you create a customer account
-During the management of your orders ;
-In your dealings with our customer service;
-When you subscribe to our newsletter.
The information whose collection is strictly necessary to provide you with a service generally concerns your surname, first name, postal address, e-mail address, fixed or mobile telephone number.
We treat your personal information in a transparent and secure manner.
Your data is processed within the European Union.
The purpose is to take your orders, handle payments securely and deliver to you efficiently.
In the event that one of the clauses of the present General Terms and Conditions is null and void for any reason whatsoever, the validity and compliance with them will not be affected. Failure by Jay&Joy to exercise its rights hereunder does not constitute a definitive waiver by Jay&Joy of its right to enforce such rights.
The present conditions of online sale are subject to French law. In the absence of amicable settlement, disputes relating to orders placed on the Site are the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts, notwithstanding plurality of defendants or appeal in warranty. Without prejudice to any legal action, Jay&Joy is not obliged to allow the Customer to benefit from any promotional discount whatsoever (sponsorship vouchers, free delivery, etc.), if the Customer has clearly, by any means, acted fraudulently.